Social Events

Social Events

Various social events are foreseen during the conference. All registered participants and accompanying persons are invited to join these events.

Welcome Reception

On the evening of the first conference day, a welcome reception is scheduled directly at the venue with canapés and drinks.

  • Date: Monday, 17 February 2025
  • Time: 18:30 – 21:00
  • Address: Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Vienna
  • Place: Aula
  • Map: Please have a look at the map for the respective locations.

Classical Concert

The concert will take place in the main building of at the Technische Universität Wien (Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien) at the Kuppelsaal. The concert is not included in the conference fee.

  • Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2025
  • Time: 19:30
  • Address: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna
  • Place: Kuppelsaal
  • Walking distance: approx. 5 min.
  • Maximum number of participants: 300
  • Ticket costs: € 10,00 (bookable at the online registration)
  • Snacks and drinks: will be served in the intermission.
  • Map: Please have a look at the map for the respective locations.


This additional event on Wednesday afternoon in Kugeltanz – Bowling in the Prater is not included in the conference fee.

  • Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2025
  • Time: 16:00 (doors open 15:45)
  • Address: Kugeltanz, Hauptalle 124, 1020 Vienna
  • Public Transport: Tram 1 (direction “Prater”) to “Prater, Hauptallee”, then walking to Hauptallee 124 – takes approx. 35 min.
  • Maximum number of participants: 100
  • Ticket costs: € 10,00 (bookable at the online registration)
  • Snacks and drinks: will be served during the bowling.
  • Map: Please have a look at the map for the respective locations.

Gala Dinner

The Dinner will take place at the Palais Ferstel. The Palais Ferstel is about 160 years old and hosts a traditional Viennese coffee shop. In the upper floor, there is a magnificent banquet hall which will be the location of our conference dinner.

  • Date: Thursday, 20 February 2025
  • Time: 19:30
  • Adresse: Strauchgasse 4, 1010 Vienna
  • Place: Palais Ferstel
  • Walking distance: approx. 25 min.
  • Map: Please have a look at the map for the respective locations.