
How to prepare your poster?

Poster contributions should be of size A0 and portrait orientation (Width=841mm, Height=1189mm) with some tolerance.

  • The posters will be on display for the full duration of the conference. Please make sure to provide your poster on Monday, the first day of the conference.
  • The poster should also be submitted to the indico agenda page (same supported formats as for the oral presentations).
  • Posters will be sorted by topic. The poster walls will be labelled such that you will find the proper place for your poster. We will provide tape to attach your poster.
  • Two dedicated poster sessions will take place during the coffee break.
  • Poster presenters are asked to be next to their poster during the poster sessions.

In case of need, you can print out your poster at copy shop Die Kopie 04 close to the venue.

Best Poster Award

The journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A will sponsor the NIM Young Reseachers Award. A jury will select the award winning posters following set of criteria such as presentation of the topic (problem / motivation, method / procedure, results, outlook), layout and design, readability and the overall impression etc. We will take into account only posters from people up to 4 years after their PhD.