NIMA Young Researcher Award
The Vienna Conference on Instrumentation will also be the occasion for awarding the NIMA Young Researcher Award sponsored by the journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A.
This award, consisting of an award certificate and a monetary remuneration, has been created to honor young researchers for the best poster and best oral presentation. There will be an award for each category, announced and given out at the last day of the conference. Eligible persons are young scientists who are giving a talk or a poster at the Conference.
The winers are
Titel Award 1
Name 1
Name Institut 1
Titel Award 2
Name 2
Name Institut 2
Titel Award 3
Name 3
Name Institut 3
ICFA Instrumentation Awards 2025
The ICFA Instrumentation Early Career Award and The ICFA Instrumentation Award. The award ceremonies for the prizes will be held during the plenary session on Friday.
The winers are
Titel Award 1
Name 1
Name Institut 1
Titel Award 2
Name 2
Name Institut 2
Titel Award 3
Name 3
Name Institut 3