
How to prepare your paper?

Elsevier/North-Holland Publishing Company will publish the proceedings of the Vienna Conference on Instrumentation as a special (but consecutively numbered) issue of Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A. Due to space limitations in the journal, they will include the majority of the papers submitted, but not all of them. The final selection of papers for publication in NIM A will be made by the International Advisory Committee based on the quality of the contribution.

Proceedings submission deadline:
16 March 202

Proceedings for plenary talks are foreseen to have a page limit of:

  • For invited talks 8 pages
  • For contributed talks 4 pages
  • For posters 4 pages

Formatting Instructions
  • The paper should be written in LaTeX
  • You are recommended to use the Elsevier article class elsarticle.cls.  It is part of the elsarticle package. This package is contained in most TeX distributions and is available on CTAN. The elsarticle documentation and some common templates and bibliographic styles are part of this package as well.
  • You can download a set of files containing a template LaTeX manuscript, using the elsarticle class, plus associated BibTeX style files here.
  • The online Guide for Authors provides detailed instructions on manuscript preparation.
  • Please submit your paper using the following style format: \documentclass[review]{elsarticle}
  • To estimate the length of your article (target: 4 pages), change the document class temporarily to \documentclass[final,5p,times,twocolumn]{elsarticle} 
  • Please submit your manuscript at this page: the Submit paper link and Author Login. If you are using Elsevier Editorial System (EES) for the first time, you may have to register first.
  • To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select “SI: VCI 2025” when the “Article Type” step in the submission process is reached.